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Image by Patrick Hendry


I'm here to serve Wyoming.

I am committed to transparency. 


  • I produced and turned over six years’ worth of expenditure data within 30 days of taking office, eliminating barriers to transparency that had plagued Wyoming for years. 

  • I put Wyoming’s checkbook online six months after taking office, at no additional cost to the Wyoming taxpayer. 


I believe in efficient use of resources.


  • Small, efficient government isn't an unattainable goal. With thorough analysis, I reduced the Auditor's budget by 10% and personnel by 15%, while providing the same level or increased services to the public and staff. 


I have proven that government can  be nimble and responsive in a crisis. 


  • I spearheaded the Governor’s Business, Banking, and Employee COVID-19 taskforce during the pandemic.

  • I played an instrumental role in quickly and securely distributing over $1 billion in stimulus funding to Wyoming families, small businesses, and hospitals.


I understand the value of effective communication


  • One of my top priorities is listening to constituents in every corner of the state; I value robust, in person outreach so I may better understand the issues facing both our rural and urban communities. 

  • I work hard every week to stay engaged with local stakeholders—cities, towns, counties, stockgrowers, etc. all have challenges, concerns, and goals that are important for me to understand. 


I know good leadership matters


  • My office has received consecutive awards from the Government Financial Officers Association for Excellence in Financial Reporting, an achievement possible because of the dedicated and expert work of my entire team.

  • My team is proud to work for the Office of the State Auditor, and that pride is evident in morale, effort, and results. 


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©2022  |  Paid for by the Committee to Elect Kristi Racines  |  P.O. Box 1644, Cheyenne, WY 82003

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